Snohomish County PUD Water Resources – On-Call Biologists
Snohomish County, WA

Wetland Resources is an on-call critical area consultant for Snohomish County PUD. We provide a full range of critical area services, including reconnaissance, delineation, ordinary high water mark identification, wetland and stream typing, threatened and endangered species consultation, archaeological coordination, technical report preparation, permit acquisition, and supervision of mitigation installation.
Lowes Home Improvement Warehouse
Mill Creek, WA

Wetland Resources contracted with the Lowe’s Home Improvement Warehouse, Inc. to delineate wetlands, design mitigation projects, manage wetland mitigation construction and vegetation installation, and monitor vegetation and hydrology for the Mill Creek warehouse. The project required complex coordination with architectural and engineering firms and acquisition of state 401 Water Quality Certification permits and federal 404 Nationwide Permits. We are midway through the required 10-year monitoring period, providing reports to local, state, and federal agencies.
Snohomish County PUD – Water Operations Facility
Lake Stevens, WA
Wetland Resources assisted Snohomish County PUD in planning and permitting a new Water Operations Facility to centralize their water department staff. The project has included wetland delineation, mitigation planning, a biological evaluation, and coordination with US Army Corps of Engineers and Washington Department of Ecology for wetland fill. Wetland Resources designed a wetland creation area as a compensatory mitigation that was completed in 2009. We are currently working on a ten year monitoring program for the mitigation site.
Snohomish County PUD – Garland Mineral Springs Geothermal Investigation
Skykomish, WA

Snohomish County PUD is in the process of evaluating potential geothermal resources in the Skykomish area. For the initial investigations, two temperature gradient wells were installed within and around sensitive areas and the North Fork Skykomish River. As required by the permitting process, Wetland Resources prepared Critical Area Study, Habitat Management Plan, and Wetland Mitigation Plan and Shoreline Substantial Development Permit documents that were approved by Snoohomish County for construction.
Lawson Hills & The Villages Master Planned Communities
Black Diamond, WA
Lawson Hills and The Villages are two master planned communities on approximately 2,000 acres in the city of Black Diamond, Washington. Lawson Hills is located on former Palmer Coking Coal property where surface and subsurface coal mining techniques were used to harvest coal. The Villages is located on second- and third-growth forestry land with minor coal and gravel mining activities. Wetland Resources has delineated extensive wetland systems on the subject properties, completed a detailed wildlife analysis and has prepared technical reports for Critical Areas and Plants and Animals in preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement. Detailed Master Plan Community plans and wetland mitigation plans are being prepared for submittal to the City, Washington State Department of Ecology and the US Army Corps of Engineers. State 401 Water Quality Certification and Federal 404 Nationwide Permits are expected for both projects. As part of the state and federal permits, 10-year monitoring of any proposed mitigation will be required.
Snohomish County PUD – SR 532 115KV Transmission Relocation
Stanwood, WA

Wetland Resources assisted Snohomish County PUD in relocating a transmission line associated with WSDOT improvements to State Route 532. The line lies within the sensitive estuarine environment of the Stillaguamish River and required several environmental permits and creative construction techniques. Wetland Resources prepared the required studies and coordinated review among local, state, and federal agencies to permit the project in a very short time period. Construction began June 2009.
Mason County PUD No. 3 – Facilities Expansion
Mason County, WA
Wetland Resources assisted Mason County PUD with a facilities expansion project that includes development of new warehouse and maintenance facilities. To date, we have conducted a site reconnaissance to locate all water related critical areas and have prepared a report that describes our findings. We are also contracted to delineate the on-site critical areas, prepare a delineation report and habitat management plan, and provide a buffer enhancement plan, as the project progresses.
Snohomish County PUD – Delta-Central 12KV Circuit Tie
Snohomish County, WA

Wetland Resources assisted Snohomish County PUD in planning and permitting a circuit tie through the sensitive estuarine environment of Ebey Slough. The project included wetland and stream delineation and typing, mitigation planning, and a biological evaluation. Do to the sensitive nature of the area, Wetland Resources facilitated permit coordination among US Army Corps of Engineers, US Coast Guard, Washington Department of Ecology, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Washington Department of Natural Resources, Snohomish County and the City of Marysville. The project was successfully constructed in 2007.
Snohomish County PUD No. 1 – Fiber Optic Buildout
Snohomish County, WA
Wetland Resources assisted Snohomish County PUD in a project to connect all of its facilities with fiber optic communications. In total, the project included 180 miles of cable to link sixty-two substations, PUD offices, and facilities. The project necessitated three navigable river crossings, requiring our assistance to prepare a biological evaluation, other technical reports and applications with all applicable agencies. The project was permitted and successfully constructed in 2009 and 2010.
Snohomish County PUD No. 1 – Lake Goodwin-Stanwood 115KV Transmission Line
Stanwood, WA
Wetland Resources assisted Snohomish County PUD in planning an 8-mile transmission line between the North Stanwood and Lake Goodwin substations. Several potential routes were examined for critical areas, threatened and endangered species, and associated permitting requirements. Wetland Resources used a combination of aerial photography, published map sources, and field reconnaissance to prepare a report so a final route could be selected. After a route was selected, extensive field investigations and reports were prepared for the transmission line to acquire all necessary permits from local, state, and federal agencies.
Snohomish County PUD – Edgecomb Substation
Marysville, WA

Wetland Resources assisted Snohomish County PUD in planning and permitting a new electrical substation to serve the growing Smokey Point area. The project included wetland delineation, ordinary high water mark delineation, wetland and stream typing, and mitigation planning. Mitigation measures included a bridge over Edgecomb Creek and reduction and enhancement of an adjacent wetland buffer. All permits were acquired and the project was constructed in 2008. The five year monitoring program is still ongoing.